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Foreign Language Calligraphy Competition

    Foreign Language Calligraphy Competition

In order to provide a platform to enhance mutual communication and self presentation, as well as to motivate the interest in foreign language learning and to experience the multi-culture charm, enriching the campus life, with the opening of the 12th Foreign Art Festival, we decide to organize the Foreign Language Calligraphy Competition with the spirit of “experience the multi-culture charm, paint a colourful world”, it is required as follows:

1. Participant: foreign students

2. Time: 18 March to 25 March ( works collection)

30 March (exhibition)

Exhibition location: Fanxing Square

3. The requirement of works:

1the content shall be positive, creative and closely related to the theme

2Chinese, English, Japanese, Koren and other foreign languages.

3Specifications: the paper size is required as A4210mm*297mm

  you can get the paper from your head teacher of class, if you need it


       write down your namemajorgrade and contact information at bottom right corner of your works with a pencil

       the outstanding works will be exhibited and scored on the opening
       day of Foreign Art Festival

       Evaluation standard: the beauty and artistry are highly appreciated

       the outstanding works will be elected by the standard of their theme
      and content 

4. Awards setting:

first prize 3%  second prize 5%  third prize 7% 

excellence award 9%

5. Time limit:

18 March to 25 March ( works collection)

please hand your works to head teacher in your class

6. Contact information: name: 仲芳渝(Zhong Fangyu)

phone number: 17863922633