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Safety Tips

1. Be more safety conscious and learn how to protect yourself from danger

2. Taking care of your belongings, especially your passport, cash and bank card. Remember to shut windows, lock doors and take keys with you when leaving the room. Do not carry large sums of money on your person when going out. Do not be deceived by false advertising or scam lottery prizes

3. Personal safety. Avoid going out alone. Do not go to unfamiliar places with strangers. Do not swim in the sea or in unfamiliar bodies of water. Do not go out in bad weather. Students should ask for leave in accordance withHandbook for International Studentsbefore going out.

4. Traffic security. Observe traffic rules and regulations. Don’t use public vehicles (buses, taxis) which look unsafe.

5. Electrical safety. Be careful when using electrical goods in order to prevent fire hazards. Turn off the power when leaving the room. Redirecting public power for personal use is strictly prohibited in the dorm building. Overcharging mobile devices or power banks is dangerous.

6. Food safety. Pay attention to the shelf life of food. Do not eat out-of-date food or moldy food in case of poisoning.

7. Get along well with fellow students. Keep gentle manners and behaviors toward people to avoid conflicts and disputes.

8. If you spot anyone or anything suspicious in the dorm building, inform the dorm manager promptly.

9. Report to relevant personnel promptly in case of emergency or unusual situation.

10. Emergency telephone numbers:

Police:110                     Fire:119                   Medical:120

Campus Security:0532-86057110

College of International Exchange:0532-86057185,15194262790